IARSLCE depends upon contributions to support association activities. These valuable contributions help make the IARSLCE successful. We would like to invite your organization to contribute!
As a sponsor, your logo will appear on the IARSLCE website and on signage at our conference, depending on sponsorship level. Sponsors are also invited to request space to exhibit their programs during the conference at no cost. We ask that your institution contribute as a public commitment to both deepening your institution’s connection with service-learning and civic engagement.
Contact admin@iarslce.org for more details.
Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Advocate ($5,000)
Recognized as sponsor of the particular keynote speaker, preconference session, or program track, including verbal recognition and logo prominently placed on signage
Banner visibility at the conference
Logo recognition on conference website, signage, and specific speaker/event
Exhibition Table at the conference to display and distribute promotional materials
Three complimentary conference registrations
Collaborator ($3,000)
Recognized as (co-)sponsor of the particular speaker or event sponsored
Logo recognition on conference website, signage, and specific speaker/event
Exhibition Table at the conference to display and distribute promotional materials
Two complimentary conference registrations
Benefactor ($2,500)
Recognized as (co-)sponsor of the particular speaker or event sponsored
Logo recognition on conference website, signage, and specific speaker/event
Exhibition Table at the conference to display and distribute promotional materials
One complimentary conference registration
Supporter ($1,000)
Logo recognition on conference website and signage
Exhibition Table at the conference to display and distribute promotional materials
One complimentary conference registration