Conference Policy


Conference Registration is Required. If your submission is accepted, all listed presenters and copresenters are required to register and pay the published conference fees by the deadline noted in the acceptance email. Registration rates vary according to student status, member status, and time of registration.

Consent of Presenters. All participants listed in a proposal must give their consent to be part of the proposal prior to submission. It is the responsibility of the submitter to adhere to this rule for all individuals listed in the proposal. It is also the responsibility of the submitter to make sure participants are aware of the conference registration requirement (see above) prior to submitting.

Scheduling Requests. IARSLCE does not take scheduling requests. If you submit to the conference, please be prepared to present at any time from the start of the conference on 13 August through the conclusion on 15 August. By submitting a proposal, submitters are confirming the availability of all presenting participants during the conference.

IMPORTANT: IARSLCE does not pay honoraria, reimburse expenses (e.g., travel, lodging, copying, poster production, etc.), or waive or discount conference registration fees for presenters.