Alliance Campus Leads
Brown University
Georgina Manok, M.P.A.
Assistant Director, Research and Assessment
Swearer Center
DePaul University
Howard Rosing, PhD
Executive Director, Irwin W. Steans Center for Community-based Service Learning & Community Service Studies
California State University San Marcos
Shelby Rogers
Coordinator, Department of Service Learning and Civic Engagement
Bucknell University
Lynn Pierson
Interim Director, Office of Civic Engagement
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Maria Avila
Interim Director, Community Engaged Teaching and Research
Duke University
Kathy Sikes
Director, Duke NC LiteracyCorps
Duke Service-Learning
Fort Hays State University
Donnette Noble, Ph.D.
Director of Civic Learning and Engagement
Voss Distinguished Professor of Leadership
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Stephen Chan, Ph.D.
Service-Learning and Leadership Office
John Carroll University
Dr. Katherine Feely, SND, Ed.D.
Director, Center for Service-Learning and Social Action
Illinois State University
Katy Strzepek, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Civic Engagement
Loyola University Chicago
Patrick M. Green, EdD
Executive Director, Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship
Merrimack College
Elaine Ward, Ed.D.
Chair, Higher Education Department and Special Assistant to the President for Civic and Community Engagement
Michigan State University
Burton Bargerstock, M.A.
Executive Director, Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship
Northeastern University
Becca Berkey, Ph.D.
Director, Community-Engaged Teaching and Research
Stanford University
Luke Terra, Ph.D.
Director, Community Engaged Learning and Research
Tulane University
Agnieszka Nance, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Center for Public Service
University of San Diego
Chris Nayve, J.D.
Associate Vice President Community Engagement, The Mulvaney Center for Community, Awareness, and Social Action
University of California, San Diego
Rochelle Smarr, Ph.D.
Director of Experiential Learning, Teaching & Learning Commons
American Council on Education
Marisol Morales
Executive Director, Carnegie Elective Classifications
Weber State University
Alexis M. Bucknam, Ed.D.
Executive Director of Community Engagement
Oakland University
Rose Wedemeyer, PhD
Director of Education Training
Australian Catholic University
Jen Azordegan, Ph.D.
Manager of Community-Engaged Learning, ACU Engagement
Fairfield University
Melissa Quan, EdD
Director of the Center for Social Impact
University of California, Davis
Stacey Muse, Ph.D.
Director of Engagement, Public Scholarship & Engagement